
Fair value under IFRS / IFRS and US-GAAP standards

Machinery and technical specialties

Real estate

Business valuations

Valuation of Physical Assets

  • Valuations of real estate, machinery and equipment, industrial facilities and biological assets
  • Fair value for purchase and sale of fixed assets
  • Insurable capital and classification criteria in policies to avoid under- or over-insurance
  • Securities for mortgage and pledge guarantees
  • Liquidation values
  • Real estate tax
  • Value of spare parts and warehouse stocks: active, obsolete and surplus materials
  • Valuation for IFRS adoption

Financial Valuations

  • Business valuation
  • Valuation of trademarks, patents, rights, contracts, licenses, concessions, agreements, goodwill, and franchises
  • Impairment analysis of cash-generating units to assess recoverability

Purchase Price Accounting

  • Allocation of transaction prices to the assets acquired
  • Compliance with international standards and local regulations


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